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Cuddling And Consent Workshop For All Genders: Platonic And In Philadelphia

  • Hot Yoga Sutra Philadelphia (yoga studio) 4715 Pine Street Philadelphia, PA, 19143 United States (map)

Learn how to create consensual, platonic (non sexual) touch in your everyday life.

Have the option of sharing nurturing, platonic cuddling at the workshop.

This is an afternoon workshop on May 10th, 2025.

Doors open: 1:30 pm

Workshop ends: 5 pm

There will be breaks throughout.


Hot Yoga Sutra Philadelphia (Yoga Studio)

4715 Pine St, Philadelphia, PA 19143

Unlimited free street parking is available.

Accessible by public transit.

All gender identities and orientations are welcome at this workshop!

I aim to balance the number of women/fem and men/masc participants.

This workshop is completely platonic (non-sexual, non-erotic) and fully clothed the whole time.

Limited to ~22 participants.

Payment plan info is at the end of this webpage.

Want to email me any questions? (kyleroberthoffman at

Want to have a no pressure, complimentary call to discuss the workshop? Then email me and it’ll be great to connect with you.

(kyleroberthoffman at

Video below shows some kinds of touch you can try at the workshop:

- Want more FULFILLING cuddling and touch in your life?

-Want to meet new people for authentic connection?

- Want an INCREDIBLY safe space?

With ground rules, structure, and consent?

By attending you will:

  • Become better at noticing and communicating your yes and no thank you.

  • Get more in touch with what your body is telling you.

  • Learn to create more safe, nurturing touch in your daily life.

  • Become better at asking for what you want.

Payment plans and other financial help options are described at the end of this webpage.

I, Kyle Hoffman, will lead the workshop. I’ll have the help of the following incredible people!

Elisha Coffee, MSW is a dear friend and colleague. We met while attending a different consent and cuddling workshop! The foundation of communication and safety taught at that workshop has deeply served our long friendship. Elisha has worked in the mental health and advocacy profession for decades and is a huge proponent of consent and safe touch. She has facilitated many workshops through both her employer and her consulting business.

Kevin Eitzenberger has volunteer facilitated hundreds of men’s platonic, therapeutic cuddling group meetings from Florida to Pennsylvania. One of those was featured in a newspaper article originally written by the Philadelphia Inquirer. It went internationally viral and was even commented on by popular late night talk show hosts.

Kevin and I met at one of those groups in 2017 and have been close, cuddly friends ever since. Kevin has been a co-facilitator at all of my workshops the last 2 years.

Video testimonial below from a 2019 workshop:

Confidentiality will be covered.

I will facilitate clearly guided exercises such as meditation, educational exercises, verbal sharing, and optional touch.

Exercises will take place in pairs and groups of 3 or 4, as well as some optional larger group exercises.

If you are coming with a partner or friend and want to only do exercises together, let me know ahead of time. Otherwise you will get the chance to do exercises with a variety of participants.

No touching with the hands between the waist and mid thigh (in other words, no touching with the hands to the groin or butt area).

NO erotic touch or intentionally pursuing erotic energy/arousal will be allowed in the workshop at any time.

If you feel attracted, aroused, etc. that’s a completely fine, wonderful human thing. And in this workshop we won’t act on it or intentionally pursue those things.

If it’s helpful for you, an option is to masturbate at home before the workshop to come in with a lower baseline level of sexual energy.

There are NO sales at the door.

DON'T WAIT. My workshops sell out up to 6 weeks early.

Payment plans and other financial help options are described at the end of this page.

***If you prefer to pay a different way than here, email me (kyleroberthoffman AT to do that.

Second video testimonial from a 2019 workshop:

Vaccinations against Covid-19, etc. are encouraged but not required to attend.

You are welcome to wear a mask if you'd like to but it’s not required.

Everyone will be instructed and reminded to not attend if they are experiencing any illness symptoms that day, whether it may be a cold or something else.

This is a completely sober workshop.

Diversity is welcome and celebrated here, including spiritual orientation, ALL body shapes, genders, ages, sexual orientation, relationship statuses, race, ethnicity, etc.

Some of the fantastic diversity that has been at my workshops includes participants:

In their 20’s to their 80’s.

Identifying as having a thin, medium, and large body.

Identifying as black, hispanic, middle eastern, white, and more.

Identifying as straight, gay, bisexual, pansexual, on the asexual spectrum, etc.

***If you’re not sure if this workshop is for you, email me (kyleroberthoffman AT and I’ll help you decide in a no pressure way, or help you find a better option for you.

If you know someone who would be served by this workshop, email me and I’ll guide you from there.

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The basic agreements/ground rules:

  • Emotions are welcome here.

  • Keep everyone’s attendance and anything they share in strict confidentiality.

  • No giving advice or trying to fix people.

  • Respect diversity. Speak your truth. Respect other people sharing their truth.

  • You never have to share touch today, ever.

  • Get consent before touching and communicate your boundaries.

  • If you’re a yes say yes. If you’re a no say no.

  • You’re encouraged to change your mind.

  • Get Kyle or his co-facilitators if there’s a concern or you need help in anyway.

DON'T WAIT. My workshops sell out up to 6 weeks early.

Payment plans and other financial help options are described at the end of this page.

From a first time participant who was quite nervous beforehand:

‘I printed out Kyle's outline of the event and rules for the participants... several people were not only amazed by reading it and listening to me talk about it but interested in attending such a program in the future.I can't tell you how many conversations I have had about the program. I even told my daughters and others about my "amazing revelation" when I was paired up with (name removed for privacy)... You saw my reaction.

I have also been in touch with several workshop participants since the workshop: a, b, c and d (names removed for privacy). Even did 2 massage swaps and touch.

A Special Thank You to ALL of you for accepting this old dog as just one of the crew!!

I have so many Thank You's to you Kyle!


Frequently asked questions

I’ve never done something like this. Will everyone else be more experienced than me?

This is a common concern and the answer is no. Every workshop so far there is a good mix of participants with no experience in these kinds of workshops, a little experience, and more experience.. The participants with more experience than you are almost always very happy you’re there, supportive, and empathize with you when they were new.

A number of participants are happy to talk with you beforehand about their experience at my workhops. To be connected with them, email me -

How does the workshop go? What happens?

A typical order of events is me giving a welcome talk, going over ground rules, guided meditation, introductions, guided exercises about verbal consent & negotiating boundaries, guided exercises about verbal and physical connection in partners or small groups, optional large group coaching, some free time to connect with others, sharing lessons you learned, some time after the workshop to socialize, and people gradually leaving.

The workshop boundaries and agreements are upheld the entire time, from the start until everyone leaves.

Can I come by myself? With a friend? As a couple with my partner?

Yes! You are welcome to attend in all of those ways. Some people are understandably afraid that everyone else will be with a friend/partner, or know others at the workshop. This isn’t the case.

So far most people attend by themselves. If you attend with a friend/partner, it is your choice how much you do exercises together and how much you change to work with other participants. You can let me know your preference before the workshop and change your minds on this at any moment throughout the workshop.

What are the exercises like?

Some example, always optional, exercises are:

  • In a small group, one participant is asked for many different kinds of platonic connection. For example, would you like your hair stroked? Would you like a foot massage? etc. The person being asked has to answer ‘no’ to each question. This strengthens and normalizes our ability to say ‘no’. And you notice how it feels in your body when are saying ‘no’ to something you’d like versus something you don’t want.

  • An only verbal exercise to practice asking for types of connection, saying no, and offering other ideas of how to connect. Basically negotiating to possibly find a mutual ‘yes’ for how to connect.

  • 1 partner is in the requesting/receiving role, and asks for how they want to spend the time. The partners negotiate boundaries and the other partner ‘gives’ to the requestor/receiver. Then the roles switch.

  • A guided eye gazing exercise to help you see and be seen beyond your physical body. To be seen for your amazing life’s journey, your failures and successes, and the pain and joy we all have in common.

I have some ______ (physical challenges, arthritis, back problems, limited mobility, numbness in my feet, pain challenges, etc.), is this still for me? Will I still be able to participate in a fulfilling way?

People with all of these situations have attended and had fantastic experiences. We will do our best to make things as physically comfortable for you as possible. Some ways we do that are:

Giving you the option of staying more stationary when changing partners or groups.

One focus of the workshop is asking for support, including help standing up, moving around, etc.

Having a mix of sitting, standing, lying down, and walking during the exercises. You individually have a lot of choice during many exercises to chose one or more of these positions

Everyone is strongly encourages to take care of themselves at any time, including stretching, standing, taking a break in the break room, using tylenol, modifying exercises to be comfortable for you, etc.

During some exercises you can request and receive a massage.

You’re welcome to sit leaning agains the wall, or bring a back jack chair. If you want to use a regular chair, let me know well beforehand so we can have that available for you!

Some peoplefind that the safe emotional connection and physical touch helps their bodies feel more comfortable and decreases their usual pain/discomfort.

The space and restroom is ground level. No stairs required.

If you have any specific concerns, let me know early and we’ll discuss how we can hopefully support you in participating!

What if there are people who I don’t want to share touch with or do a certain exercise with?

I go over the following things many times throughout the workshop:

One of the most valuable things you can get out of this workshop is improved skill and comfort at stating your boundaries, saying ‘no thank you’, and negotiating to possibly find a mutual ‘yes’ to something else.

Part of this includes how to receive a ‘no thank you’ and respond in a way that supports the other person’s boundary.

Through many means the workshop normalizes and shows the value of saying ‘no thank you’ and/or ‘would you be into this other thing instead?’

Early on you’ll do verbal exercises to practice saying yes, no, and negotiating to try to find a mutual ‘yes’ to a different way to connect.

I’ll might some of my own stories. One where I signed up for a touch workshop and after experiencing some trauma before the workshop, I said ‘no’ to everyone and didn’t share any touch at all at the workshop. It was an incredibly empowering experience for me!

And another story about how a leader of my first men’s touch event reminded me of an old perpretrator. So I chose not to share touch with him for the first few months that I attended that group. That man and I eventually became close friends and often now helps me facilitate my workshops! This is an example of how a ‘no' is often not about us, and a reason to not assume the worst or take things personally.

I may share about how if I can’t trust you to say ‘no,’ then I really can’t trust you’re being honest when you say ‘yes.’ And if we’re not able to say 'no,’ then we can’t really get close to anyone because it’d be too dangerous.

I’ll offer that you can practice saying ‘no thank you’ in the workshop even if you’re actually a ‘yes’ inside, because this is a great place to practice that skill!

Throughout the workshop I’ll emphasize that there are many ways you can modify any exercise to make it comfortable for all involved. You can always pass on the offered exercise, and instead with your partner/partners you can meditate, eye gaze, journal, only talk, or ask that I come over and give you other ideas.

You can also always take a break to use the restroom, or hang out in a different part of the studio if you want some space.

I’ll go over how you can make different choices at each moment, and your choices may change over time when with the same partner or when with a different partner. And that’s completely great and not a disrespect to anyone. You’ll be encouraged to practice being in touch with your body and heart, and changing your mind at any time.

The reality is we all have different preferences and desires at different times. This is a chance to practice being mature men who honor the choices of ourselves and others.

Thoughts and feelings may come up when we receive a ‘no thank you.’ That’s completely fine and it’s a great space to practice allowing that to come up, processing it, and treating ourselves with compassion. Myself and my helpers are also here to support you with any strong emotions that come up.

What happens if I feel aroused or get an erection, etc.?

Your body is accepted, supported and celebrated here. Unintentional arousal is a completely normal, common human occurence. And in this workshop we agree to not intentionally pursue it or act on it.

To help yourself relax you can take some space, breath deeply, change position, change partners, take a restroom break, put a blanket or pillow between you and someone you’re cuddling, etc.

Everyone is always at choice about if and how they connect. Exercises or touch can be adjusted or passed on so everyone is comfortable.

I’ve been to other workshops/events by different leaders, where boundaries were pushed, or I felt pressure to participate in things. Should I be concerned about that here?

I’ve been to other workshops where those things occured and I strongly dislike it.

At my workshops your choice and ‘no’ is celebrated!

In the past I’ve experienced prejudice, exclusion, or stereotypes because of my ____ (race, size, certain physical attribute, age, etc.). Will this be a welcoming space for me? Might attending help me heal and grow past these things?

Yes! Many attendees have experienced a deeper and stronger level of acceptance, appreciation, and even love then they ever have before in their lives.

This includes participants who were scared or nervous to attend. And participants with negative past experiences in life because of being in their age, race, missing a limb, body type, neurodiversity, etc.

Why is this workshop so long? What will we do all that time?

This is understandable and common to wonder if you’ve never been to my workshops.

Actually, one of the most common requests is to make the workshops longer.

Often even participants who initially were concerned about the length, at the end of the workshop say that they wish it was not ending.

This workshop will be filled with many new things to learn about how to connect verbally, emotionally, and physically, time to talk about and learn from your experiences, some free time to connect within the workshop’s boundaries, and time for breaks.

You will also have the chance to connect and do exercises with a variety of people.

I'm in a relationship and want to discuss this workshop with my partner. How do I bring this up with them?

This will depend on many factors. If you want to bring it up very gradually, something that's worked for others is to casually share with your partner something like a newspaper article on this kind of event (let me know if you want me to send you this article). You can give as much or as little context about the article as you want. It could be as simple as, 'I just came across this interesting article and thought you may find it interesting too.'

This can be a less direct way to see what comes up for your partner and how they respond. Which will give you information on how to proceed from there.

For those considering going to a workshop, I am also happy to have a call with you and your partner, and/or just your partner if it'd be helpful.

You’re also welcome to attend with your partner, and you two can exclusively work with each other, rotate to work with others, or somewhere inbetween.

I'm in a relationship. How can I participate in a way that works for myself and my partner?

First, I sincerely acknowledge you for being thoughtful about your relationship and how that affects how you may proceed. You are always at choice at my workshops about what exercises you participate in, and to what extent.

So for example, on one end of the spectrum of choices, you are welcome to just watch and observe.

This gives you a lot of freedom to possibly find a way to participate that may feel good for you and your partner at this time.

How will this show up on my credit card statement?

It will show as a purchase from ‘K LLC.’ I’ve kept it simple for your privacy. This is short for ‘Kyle Hoffman LLC’.

What other ways are there to pay?

If you need to pay another way because of privacy or another reason, email me and I’ll guide you from there. I have had people pay via Venmo, via Amazon gift cards, and more.

How can I get there using public transit?

Email me if you need help with this - kyleroberthoffman at

What about flying in?

Many participants fly in for my workshops. Some will make the trip a transformational vacation and take advantage of additional opportunities in the area, including connecting with workshop participants in the days after the workshop.

Lodging options and the workshop space is easily accessed from the Philadelphia airport. Rideshare services (ie Uber), taxis, and other options make it easy to get here from the airport, get around town, etc.

Myself and others have found great deals using and google flights.

You don't need a rental car.  You can take a 20 minute Uber or taxi ride to my area.  And then walk or use Uber or public transit during your stay.

What about lodging if I'm coming from out of town?

People have had great experiences with Air B and B's.

Within the following boundaries are areas to stay near me that I consider safe and nice areas to stay, walk, etc. There are many nice areas in the city beyond these too.

East of 48th St.

South of Chestnut Street.

North of Baltimore Avenue (and I believe another 1, 2 or 3 blocks south of Baltimore Avenue in this area is also nice)

West of the Schuylkill River

I have never been to the following hotel, and from the outside it looks like a nice hotel. It's in a good area. This is the closest hotel that I know of.

Financial help options:

There is an interest free payment plan option available. When you go to buy tickets, you can pay through PayPal and if you’re eligible you’ll see their ‘Pay in 4’ option. Pay in 4 is an interest-free installment loan that lets you split your purchase into 4 payments, with the down payment due at the time of the transaction and 3 subsequent repayments made every 15 days thereafter.

You can save money by carpooling with others to the workshop, and sharing lodging accommodations if desired.

Can I work 1 on 1 with you Kyle?

Yes. The majority of my business is 1 on 1 work in person and remotely. Email me ( ) to ask any questions or schedule a welcome call.

April 12

Men’s Platonic Cuddling Workshop: Small Group , Shirt Optional, in Philadelphia.

May 10

CLOTHING OPTIONAL MALE INTIMACY WORKSHOP: Emotional & Physical Connection Between Men.