Covid - I got tested & sharing what I learned about testing :)

Hey  :),

Hope you're doing alright during these kind of "extended crazy times." 

I had a runny nose and post nasal drip/sore throat recently.  I figured it was probably just allergies and/or the change in seasons/temperature, but wanted to be safe.

So I had a virtual visit with my Univ. of Pennsylvania doctor.  She said that while there wasn't anything strongly pointing toward it being Covid, for the general sake of public health it could be good to test.

My result was Negative today!! Yayyyyy!  (Sigh of relief! ha ha :)

A few things I learned were:

UPenn/PennMedicine offers testing for patients already in their system who have a script from their doctor.  No out of pocket cost for anyone!

Their results are delivered in ~24 hours. 

I've heard CVS results around Philly are in ~ 2-5 ish days.  Some companies take much longer.  Worth finding this info out before choosing your testing site! :)

Some testing sites like mine are open air.  I drove up and stayed in my car the whole time which felt safer for me than walking into a building for this.

Similarly, CVS has drive through testing sites.  Basically the same as a fast food drive through! ha ha

To all of our health,

Kyle :) 


Sunday, May 10th, 1 pm - You're invited to a free ask me anything group call! :)