Sunday, May 10th, 1 pm - You're invited to a free ask me anything group call! :)
Hey! :),
To be honest I'm both psyched and scared to be sending this out. It's definitely stretching my comfort zone! So thank you so much for being with me on this journey! :)
I want to invite you to a free group video/audio call I'm hosting this Sunday at 1 pm EST (May 10th). :)
I'm keeping this first call flexible. Everyone on the call will be welcome to ask me to speak to any specific question or more general topic. You can submit the question before the meeting via email or text, or during the meeting either by anonymously sending me a chat message or just asking it out loud.
If you will be attending this one or would like to attend a future one, please respond and let me know! :). More info and how to join the call will be included as a PS.
If you'll be attending, please add it to your calendar now.
If you have any questions or concerns about attending the call, please contact me with those too!
Hope to see you then! Hug if you'd like one,
Kyle Hoffman :D
Totally feel free to invite people you know to join us but please don't post this info publicly.
This is open to both people I have and haven't shared sessions with. As always, during the call I'll never share that we've shared a session or anything else from our confidential work/communications together unless you give me permission to do so.
Some of the topics that I work with and you're welcome to ask about include platonic touch and cuddling, safety, connection, platonic intimacy, boundaries, communication skills, self love/self care, receiving/being taken care of, and anything else you'd like. :)
You're welcome to just listen or participate as much as you'd like.
You can be as anonymous as you'd like. Some options include:
Showing your video or not.
Not sharing your name on the call. Before you enter the call, you can delete or change the name displayed for you on the call.
To join the meeting you can click the link below or dial one one of the phone numbers below:
Time: May 10, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 915 1999 3221
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